Lots to do
Publicerat 2013-10-03 05:42:50 i
I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I've been a bit busy. We always get out of school at four pm and on Monday I went to the gym and when I got home I was to tired to do anything and after school on Tuesday I had musical rehearsals. Today after school I went to the gym and when I got home I had to start working on my Rotary presentation that I'm giving on Friday.
The school system is a bit different from Sweden (obviously), here teacher's can just throw out "test next class!"
No studying one week ahead, right science buddies in Sweden? ;)
So I have a physics test tomorrow and apparently a math quiz.. Weehoo!
On Friday some friends from school are probably coming over and on Saturday I get to go shooting with an actual gun! Look out people!
I miss y'all back in Sweden! ❤️
Haha det får vi se 😉 tack!
Elin Fogelberg
Tack så mycket! Kraaamar!!!
Elin Fogelberg
Tack allihopa!
Elin Fogelberg
Tack syrran! Saknar dig massor!
Elin Fogelberg
Hahaha och jag tycker inte synd om dig ;) ;)
Saknar dig maaaasssoooor verkligen!
Elin Fogelberg
Tack desamma brorsan! Saknar dig!! :)
Elin Fogelberg